A Promise Etched in Gold

A Promise Etched in Gold

A Promise Etched in Gold

Emma sat by the rain-streaked window of a small café tucked away on a quiet Parisian street. The aroma of freshly baked croissants mingled with the rich scent of espresso, but even the allure of her favourite corner spot couldn't quell the flutter of anticipation in her chest. She glanced at her watch—Liam was late. Uncharacteristically so.

Just as she reached for her phone, the bell above the door chimed softly. Liam stepped inside, shaking droplets from his umbrella. His eyes met hers, and a familiar warmth spread between them, dissolving her worries.

"Sorry I'm late," he said, breathless, sliding into the seat across from her. "The city decided to have a downpour just as I left the meeting."

She smiled, a teasing glint in her eye. "Paris does love its dramatic moments."

He chuckled, but there was a spark of something else—excitement?—lurking beneath his easy demeanor. "Speaking of dramatic moments," he began, reaching into the inner pocket of his coat, "I have something for you."

Emma's heart skipped a beat. From his pocket, Liam produced a small box wrapped in elegant silver paper. Her fingers trembled slightly as she accepted it.

"Liam, what is this?"

"Open it and see."

She carefully unwrapped the box, lifting the lid to reveal a stunning gold ring nestled within. The piece was exquisite—a Cavetta ring, its polished face contrasting beautifully with a brushed body, the intricate Cavetta ovals etched with meticulous artistry.

Her breath caught. "It's beautiful," she whispered.

"I thought it might suit you," he said softly. "It's timeless, just like you."

She looked up to find his gaze steady, earnest. "Liam..."

But before she could continue, he pulled out a second box, revealing a matching men's gold ring—bold and elegant, a chunky gold ring that mirrored the design of hers.

"I got one for myself as well," he said. "I wanted us to have something that connects us, no matter where we are."

Emotion swelled within her, a tide she couldn't hold back. "They're perfect," she managed to say.

He reached across the table, taking her hand. "Emma, ever since we wandered into that little art gallery on the Left Bank and debated the merits of abstract expressionism, I knew there was no one else I'd rather challenge or be challenged by. You make every moment richer, more vibrant."

A tear slipped down her cheek, and she laughed softly, brushing it away. "You always did know how to make an impression."

He stood then, moving around the small table to kneel beside her. The café seemed to fade away, the murmurs of other patrons dimming into the background.

"Life with you is an adventure I never want to end," he said. "Will you marry me?"

She nodded, words failing her. "Yes," she whispered. "Yes, of course."

Applause erupted from the scattered patrons, and the barista behind the counter beamed, offering a celebratory toast with two flutes of champagne that seemed to materialise out of nowhere.

They spent the rest of the afternoon wandering the streets of Paris, the city's magic wrapping around them like a well-worn blanket. Their matching Cavetta rings caught the light with every gesture, tiny beacons of the commitment they'd just made.

Later, as the sun dipped low and painted the sky with hues of lavender and rose, they found themselves on the banks of the Seine. The water reflected the shimmering lights of the city, and a street musician played a soulful melody on his violin.

Emma leaned into Liam's side. "These rings," she said, twisting hers gently, "they feel like more than just jewellery."

He looked down at her, his eyes reflecting the same glow that surrounded them. "That's because they are. They're symbols—a tangible piece of what we share. Crafted with intention, just like our love."

She smiled. "Who knew you could be so sentimental?"

He laughed softly. "Don't tell anyone. It might ruin my reputation."

They stood in comfortable silence, the weight of the moment settling in. The future stretched out before them, unwritten yet full of promise.

"Do you remember what the artist said at that gallery?" she asked suddenly.

"Which part?"

"That true art isn't about perfection, but about authenticity. About capturing the essence of something real."

He nodded thoughtfully. "I think that's what we're doing—crafting something real."

She took his hand, their rings glinting side by side. "Here's to our masterpiece."

"To us," he agreed, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

As night enveloped the city, they walked onward, two souls entwined, their path illuminated not just by the streetlights but by the shared glow of their commitment. The men's gold ring on his finger and the delicate counterpart on hers were more than accessories—they were chapters in their unfolding story, each moment a line written in the timeless script of love.

Their journey was just beginning, etched in gold and carried with them always, a testament to a bond that was as enduring and radiant as the rings they wore.

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1 comment

Oohhhhh how I love good story 💗
What a beautiful way to start a journey & start a tradition
Kind Regards
Jodie Robinson ❤️

Jodie Robinson

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